All Webinars
Basic Panther Management
Whenever you refresh domains, update code or even upgrade the entire Millennium system, your changes can disrupt the connection between Softek Panther and Millennium. With Panther’s management tools, you can restore connections as soon as possible and eliminate system problems that arise along the way. The tools of Topology Management, Panther Management, and Sensor History simplify the job of domain management, identify connectivity issues between Panther and Millennium, and show you the automatic management Panther is performing. Attend our August webinar to learn how to 1) use Topology Management to repair domains, 2) use Panther Management to suspend domains and set up monitoring and alerting, and 3) set custom searches for Sensor History, change the sorting and define who is allowed to see Sensor History.
Biller Productivity
Softek Panther’s Biller Productivity Control provides clients superior visibility to the billing workflow by displaying specific, client defined coder and biller productivity metrics. Our Biller Productivity control is an interactive tool to view Biller Productivity data. In this webinar, you will learn: • How to assess billers’ work performance based on action codes used • How to view and track individual work items, including their timestamps and remaining balance • How to access historical activity records for specific FINs Attend this webinar to learn more about our Biller Productivity control.
Cash Drawer
The Cash Drawer control allows users to track which people, positions, and locations are bringing in the greatest amount of cash. This information can be used to incentivize team members. The Cash Drawer control also shows the state of all the batches, helping to identify batches that are ”stuck.”
Charge Integrity Control
The Charge Integrity control shows the recent orders and charges in Millennium and helps to ensure that orders result in charges. This control does not make any modifications to the data in Millennium and does not interact with the billing system.
Charge Reconciliation
Softek Panther’s Charge Reconciliation control allows users to reconcile charges on a regular basis. Users can set up work lists for the charges they are interested in, so they can easily review charges as necessary. The control also allows users to search for charges for a particular patient by their FIN number. Attend this webinar to learn more about our Charge Reconciliation control.
Charge Reports
Learn how to search and filter Charge Reports. Panther’s Charge Reports include the following: Charge Services - Activity, Charge Services - Build, MQ, Out-Patient Physician Documentation, Ops Jobs, Pharmacy, PowerForms, Purges, Registration, Respiratory Therapy, Room & Bed, Scheduling, Surgery. Attend this webinar to learn more about our Charge Reports.
Claim Denials
The Claim Denials control shows denied claims on health plans, giving the user visibility into why claims were denied and what factors denied claims might have in common. In this webinar you will learn how to 1) analyze denial reasons that occur frequently, 2) identify denial reasons that are associated with specific attending physicians, and 3) view health plans that have voided benefits for specific claims within the hospital.
Current Events Control
Access to real-time information about your Cerner Millennium domains greatly simplifies the huge task of troubleshooting performance issues. Are your Ops Jobs behind? Are XR or Chart printouts behind? Are interfaces stalled? The Current Events control in Softek Panther gives you the answers to these questions and many more all on one screen. The control lists all open events and notifications for each Panther sensor, including acute issues that require immediate attention. By understanding the issues affecting your system right as they’re happening, you can quickly address them and minimize their impact on your clinicians and business staff. Join our May webinar to learn 1) the real-time event data available in Current Events, 2) how to drill into the data to understand and address issues, 3) how to configure Current Events for your specific job requirements, and 4) how to send and receive notifications.
Custom Panther Desktops
Each member of your IT team handles specific aspects of Millennium’s performance. Softek Panther makes it easy for each user to customize their viewing settings. Knowing how to set up your desktop view, filters, and data searches is the first step to streamlining your Panther workflow. Attend our webinar to learn how to: • Build a desktop that displays only relevant items • Filter out items that are operating normally • Set your default search parameters • Create presets for your common searches Attend this webinar to learn more about Custom Panther Desktops.
Encounter Holds
The Encounter Holds control is an interactive tool to view held encounters. Data is retrieved automatically for the most recent search. The Encounter Holds control automatically performs a search on load using the most recent criteria defined by the user. If no criteria has been defined, it will load data for all active holds.
Form Integrity
Softek Panther’s Form Integrity helps audit charge activity for clients utilizing PowerForms. Our Form Integrity control: • Allows users to look at all form activity over the last day, week, and month. • Shows which Alpha Responses and Tasks are consistently or inconsistently generating charges for specific forms. • Allows users to identify if these Alphas or Tasks have build issues tied to them (in the “Activity” tab, these will be flagged with a red exclamation point). Attend this webinar to learn more about our Form Integrity control.
Formulary Compliance
The Formulary Compliance control analyzes active pharmacy bill items for build issues, HCPCS and QCF issues, and analyzes related NDCs for validity and expiration. The control then displays the issues found by category. This control uses the Multum™database as the source for comparison data. This control does not make any modifications to the data in Millennium and does not interact with the billing system.
General Ledger Build
Softek Panther’s General Ledger Build highlights build issues related to the GL so that clients can ensure that revenue is posting to the appropriate company unit. Attend this webinar to learn more about our General Ledger Build control.
HIM Productivity
Softek Panther’s HIM Productivity Control is an interactive tool that helps you see information regarding HIM tasks, including the actions taken on tasks and who the actions were taken by. In this webinar, you will learn: • How to check coders’ productivity • How to review the action and tasks that are being worked on • How to review the balance of outstanding items Attend this webinar to learn more about our HIM Productivity control.
Interface Management | Part 1
If problems develop in the interfaces between Millennium and your other electronic systems, critical patient information might not get where it needs to go. Softek Panther gives you visibility into what’s traveling – or not – through your interfaces. Attend part 1 of our two-part webinar on interface management for answers to the following questions: • How long ago did an interface receive a transaction or message? • How many transactions are queued or backed up in the interface? • How many orphaned messages are there for an interface? • How do you view just the interfaces that are important to you? • Can you be alerted when there’s a backlog of transactions or a stuck transaction? • How do you cycle interfaces? • What does it mean when an interface is skipped or blacklisted? • How can you compare configurations of interfaces, MDIs, and ESI comm servers?
Interface Management | Part 2
Problems with the interfaces between Millennium and your other electronic systems must be corrected quickly to ensure critical patient information gets where it needs to go. Interfaces Part 2 shows you how easy it is to master interface management. Attend our webinar to learn how to: • Troubleshoot interfaces • Search across multiple interfaces for an order or patient-specific information • Compare the configuration of two interfaces • Determine when your aliases are out of sync for interfaces
Message Logs in Panther
Is someone always complaining about one of your Millennium® applications? Perhaps nurses say they can’t find the patient information they entered. Or physicians claim they’re not receiving messages. Chances are your clinicians aren’t crazy – the system’s message logs back up their claims. This webinar will show you how to use Softek Panther to easily find the exact messages you need to address clinicians’ friction points. You will learn how Panther lets you: • Use Message Logs to discover what Citrix server the clinician was on • Search Message Logs for specific people or events • Customize Message Log searches • Change a sort order • Configure who can view Message Logs • Search, copy, paste, and email Message Logs
Missing Outpatient Physician Documentation
The Missing OP Phys Doc control shows the outpatient encounters in Millennium that have no documentation from physicians. Join us for this webinar to learn how the Missing OP Phys Doc control can help you capture more ProFees and help your physicians with compliance.
Oracle Query & Oracle Session Monitor
Through Softek’s webinars, our experts give you a greater understanding of your system’s configurability, address specific issues common to many users and walk you through recommendations for reliable system performance. Join us for our upcoming webinar to learn more about Oracle Query and Session Monitor. The Oracle Query control gives users access to issue queries against the Oracle® instance defined in Foreign System Setup for the domain. The Oracle Session Monitor control is used to keep track of active sessions in Oracle®.
Order Integrity
Softek Panther’s Order Integrity control shows the recent orders and charges in Millennium and helps to ensure that orders result in charges in real time. In this webinar, you will learn: • How to evaluate the charge build • How to find potential missing charges • How to ensure you are appropriately charging for completed orders
Panther Cycle Groups and Servers
Cycling Millennium® servers is often a critical step in resolving system issues and updating the system with build changes. Softek Panther simplifies the job and improves system security by letting you set up Cycle Groups, customize how servers are cycled, and determine a user’s cycling privileges. Attend our webinar to learn how Panther lets you easily: • Create a Cycle Group for a specific set of servers • Define the order and conditions for cycling • Define who is allowed to cycle these servers • Modify each server’s default cycling behavior • Improve security • Audit who cycled servers when
Panther Management Reports
Softek Panther provides Management Reports to help you review key areas of your Millennium system’s performance over the past month or year. Knowing how to generate and use these reports will help you track improvements and problems in your environment and show you the issues you need to address to ensure system reliability at the point of care. Join our webinar to learn: • What areas of Millennium and Panther the reports cover • How to interpret the reports’ content • What Panther privileges are needed to access reports • Where to access reports • How to schedule, manually generate, or resend a report
Patient Accounting Reports
The Patient Accounting Reports component contains several report controls to provide additional visibility into patient accounting data, including: - General Reports - ATB - Trending - 7-day Rolling Average - Inpatient/Outpatient - Revenue By Category - Revenue By CDM/CPT/HCPCS by Cost Center - Revenue By Cost Center - Revenue By Health Plan
Payor Report Card
Softek Panther’s Payor Report Card control is an interactive tool to help identify which payors promptly respond to bills. In this webinar, you will learn how to: • Identify how timely Health Plans are responding to claims • View the detail of payments and adjustments by Payor • View Overall denials rate per payor and average denials per claim
Pharmacy Integrity Control
You can stop inventory control and charging errors in real time in your Oracle Cerner system! Join our webinar on Softek Panther's Pharmacy Integrity Control to learn how we address ordering and administering complexities in the Pharmacy Department. You’ll see how Panther’s Pharmacy Integrity Control lets you view and drill into the dispensing and charging process for all medications and drug classifications. By monitoring your dispenses and drilling into the source of errors, you can reveal whether they are related to workflow issues or drug diversion.
Physician Documentation
Softek Panther’s Physician Documentation Control is an interactive tool to help reconcile physician notes and professional fees. The tool automatically associates physician notes with charges, then allows you to make corrections manually. In this webinar, you will learn how to: • Identify ‘Uncharged Notes’ • How to identify ‘Undocumented Charges’ • How to identify notes that still need to be ‘Verified’
Queues | Part 1 | The Anatomy of IBM MQ
Part 1 of this three-part Softek Panther queuing webinar will discuss the basic concepts of the MQ process and dissect the makeup of various queues that your IT and applications teams encounter. If you didn’t think queues applied to the application analyst, we encourage you to attend the webinar! We’ll also look at common problems you experience with queues. Join our webinar to learn: • What a queue is • Why queues are important • The different types of queues • What information queues contain • How queues impact performance for clinicians • What can go wrong with queues
Queues | Part 2 | Using Queues in Panther
The clinical director is complaining that Millennium® is too slow. The CIO wants to know why the system slows down at the same time every day. What if you're an RHO, and your service provider tells you your metrics look fine? How do you find the problem? The Queues control in Softek Panther displays a real-time view of clinical backlogs and lets you easily drill into the cause. This information is often critical for resolving throughput issues before clinicians and business staff experience their full effect. Join this webinar to learn how easy it is to: • Use the interactive Queues control to pinpoint the source of slowdowns • View only the problem queues • Customize a view of the queues that are important to you • Add the Queues control to your Desktop for easy access
Queues | Part 3 | Using Panther's QPS Report
Panther Training continues our exploration of Millennium® queues with this month’s webinar on the Queuing Performance Spreadsheet (QPS). The QPS is a Softek Panther Management Report that reveals queuing patterns in your system over time (unlike the Queues control covered last month, which displays a real-time view of clinical backlogs). Knowing how to generate and use this report will help your team understand where and when issues began, track improvements, and address issues with your leadership to ensure system reliability at the point of care. Join our webinar to learn how easy it is to: • Use the QPS to track systemic throughput issues for your clinicians • Follow recommendations to resolve backlogs • Generate and read reports
Rules Engine
Softek Panther’s Rules Engine is a real-time solution that improves hospitals’ charge integrity processes by identifying missing charges, missing HCPCS/CPT codes, incorrect units of service, as well as coding and compliance issues. Unlike most other charge integrity products, the Rules Engine identifies charge integrity issues immediately without extraction files or review of 837s, giving hospitals the ability to address problems before claims are generated, reducing denials, late charges, and re-billing. We’ll show you how our Rules Engine Control can plug directly into your Oracle Cerner system and allow you to identify missing charges even before a patient is discharged!
Supply Charging and Implant Recall
This webinar covers two Panther controls: Supply Charging and Implant Recall. The Supply Charging control shows charging and usage information pertaining to supplies. The Implant Recall control provides a means for the user to search for usages of specific implants to aid in identifying surgeries involving recalled implants. Join this webinar to learn more!